ting tong ting tong.......
oppss,dh 3 jan kte nihh...cptnya masa berlalu,alamakkk!!!!
5 jan will coming soon...
notes :- all past year done
- carrymark dh dpt (39/40)*bagus x??
- kena review chpter balik,tgk part mna yg lemah
- solat + doa + al-quran
- tidur + rest yg cukup
saya dh jadi
-pelangan tetap library
-pelangan nasi Pak Kob
-pelangan cucur pisang+karipap
kaaka xthu knp sem nihh rsa takut sgt nk amik exam,event nih dh tahun ke-2....i wish i will be in dean's list...huhhuuhuh..wish me luck!!!
to all frens yg amik exam..best of luck,kte pulun habis2an final nihh...nt cuti almost 2 month,kte enjoy k...
p/s : alhamdullilah td pegi jumpa lecturer amik test...math 462 n mat 300 dapat fullmark tp eco dpt 42/48 jer...byk careless..uhhuhuhu..hope final nt no more careless...
...:::...hAnya dLm hIdup kaAka...:::...
good luck